Archive for November, 2013

Thai Muay Boxing


Boxing – Thai Style

We’ve recently added this informative article on what is probably the most popular sport in all of Thailand.  Muay Thai Boxing can be both very dangerous and entertaining.  Check out our full article at Muay Thai Boxing.

Posted by Noy - November 30, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Categories: What To Do Bangkok   Tags:

Jim Thompson

Jim_Thompson_HouseWe’ve recently published an informative article about the house that Jim Thompson built in Bangkok during his 25 years in Thailand.  Read the whole article at Jim Thompson House.

Posted by Noy - November 26, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Categories: What To Do Bangkok   Tags: , ,

Bangkoks Chinatown


Chinatown in Bangkok

Don’t forget to include a visit to Chinatown when you visit Bangkok, Thailand.  Shopping is almost certainly to be on your “must do” list and Chinatown really needs to be  written next to shopping on that list!  It’s easy to get to and will prove to be a fun experience.  To read our full article on this, just click Bangkok Chinatown.

Posted by Noy - November 18, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Categories: What To Do Bangkok   Tags: , ,